The Advantages of a Virtual Office for Franchise Managers

Franchise Owner Working from Home

Running a franchise, while having your home as your business address may not represent the best side of your business. However, a virtual office with a premier address in Toronto shows others that you mean business.


Having a virtual office allows you to avoid all of the daily annoyances of commuting. Nobody enjoys an hour long trip where you find yourself standing squished between a wall and a group of sweaty bodies on the subway. Working from home allows you to stay inside; this way you not only save energy, but you also save a significant amount of time. This way you can yell at your employees for slacking off from the comfort of your own home! Simply dial the number of your franchise’s location and commence shouting. How exciting!


Working through a virtual office saves the cost of renting out a physical space elsewhere. Consequently, you will find yourself gradually saving money since you will not be factoring in a cost of rent.

If you are adamant on a space downtown, you will find the cost of rent is not very forgiving. Therefore, it would be most beneficial to search for smaller spaces in order to avoid spending a large amount for an extra 50 square feet.

Not only is the rent of the physical office going to rack up a large bill every month, but you must also consider the cost of commuting. Whether you take public transit or you drive yourself, you will find a significant chunk of your paycheck going towards the trip to work every day.

As briefly mentioned earlier, this idea of a virtual office is essentially the concept of saving a small piece of each paycheck and putting it into a savings account. Rather than this, you are saving pieces of your paycheck by eliminating the cost of commute.

Overall, it is simply much more cost-effective to use a virtual office rather than sacrifice an arm and a leg for a physical office in an expensive neighbourhood. If you have this opportunity for a virtual office,  the only downside is if you wished to share a workspace with your coworkers.

Credibility and Legitimacy

A virtual office gives an impression that you are working for a professional business in a prestigious location. Rather than having your cell phone number as the main form of contact and an unfamiliar address, a virtual office allows you to use an address that suggests your franchise is legitimate and successful. Imagine having your business card include an address for Bay Street. This address will be easily recognized.

On the contrary, 9092 Dirt Boulevard is not going to impress any potential clients. If anything, they might have a disgusted expression on their face because your business is located on a street called Dirt Boulevard…


A virtual office will improve your mood even if you can stay home only once per week. Being able to get away from the workplace every now and then will give you a chance to catch your breath and feel refreshed for the next time you may have to go in for the day. It may also be good for your employees since they are most likely uptight when you, their boss, is around. You will find that you are not as drained as a lot of your day at work might be devoted to sitting in traffic or waiting for transit. Imagine looking out the window, seeing horrible weather, but realizing you do not have to face those terrible conditions. How satisfying is that? That will definitely have you sighing in relief and perhaps a maniacal laugh at the thought of those who are standing in the rain waiting for the streetcar that is running late as usual…

So if you’re ready to take your franchise business to the next step, then take a look at our available packages and start your Virtual Office today!