Cloud Virtual Office

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Cloud Virtual Office

Why do you need the Cloud to get your Virtual Office?

There are certainly advantages when looking at Cloud based system: It’s constantly updated with no need for your input, and it may be more efficient.

But of course, we need to look at the disadvantages as well:

It’s automated, there are no humans in most of the process, so if something goes wrong, it can go really wrong. Bugs in the system can go undiscovered for days or weeks, and some things may just not be possible for an automated system, like they can be for a person.

It also lacks personality. We are all just so sick and tired of speaking to machines all day, and unlike how Google is trying to push Duplex as the future, we think the future will continue to be based on human interaction. It’s just so much more pleasant to get a human on the other side of the phone, rather than a machine. No matter how smart it may be.

Additionally, when setting up a Virtual Office, it is just as if it was on the Cloud anyway. It works for you remotely. But you can rest far more assured that there are people on the other end making sure that everything is running correctly, and that your clients have the best experience possible.

In the end, “the cloud” is a very nebulous term. It has undeniable and positive attributes, and can help businesses grow at an unprecedented rate. But just as any other form of progress, it has it’s drawbacks. You’ll have to decide whether a simple robotic voice can be the thing that helps your business, or if the human touch just can’t be replaced.

When you finally you want your customers to have the best experience when they call in, then take a look at our Virtual Office packages, and don’t leave the future of your business up in the clouds.